My duty as a director is just not to presenting attractive night entertainment. The most important duty is to make people think. In the beginning perhaps this famous sentence by Andrei Vaida the polish director of generation can help us to have a better and more apparent understating of him and his work. The “generation,” along with the two films “Channel” and “Ashes and Diamonds”, are the trilogy of war they were made in the 50’s shortly after the end of the Second World War by Wyada. . All of the above-mentioned films are influenced by their turbulent times and are somehow a review of the sweet and bitter memories of filmmaker from the war and the political conditions and global developments of those days Which is coincident with the growing growth of the Marxist tendencies and the domination of the Soviet Union’s over the birthplace of the filmmaker. Perhaps for these reasons, the film “Generation” may even be part of a series of so-called “workers” films, whose hero or heroes are the revolutionary workers and the proletariat. Appropriate atmosphere, fascinating cinematography near to reality along with detail shooting script makes the movie story believable and even like a war documentary.
War Trilogy / Hassan barzideh’s Review of “A Generation”