Sunday 23 February 2025
5:41 PM |

Jean Michel Frodon Speaks in 34th FIFF

Jean Michel Frodon Speaks in 34th FIFF


Before the screening of “Jia Zhang- Ke, A Guy from Fenyang” Jean Michel Frodon, the former editor- in- chief of cahiers du cinema will speak about the film before its screening at 9 p.m. in Hall # 5. He presents the film too.


The 34th edition of Fajr International Film Festival is being held from April 20th to April 25th, 2016 in Charsou Cineplex, under the supervision of the well-known Iranian filmmaker, Mr. Reza Mirkarimi, who is also the Managing Director of Khaneh Cinema.

For more information on Fajr International Film Festival, visit the festival website,

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