Wednesday 5 February 2025

Gallery Category: Photo Report

Felestin Cinema Packed With Juries, Patrons
Felestin Cinema Packed With Juries, Patrons
FIFF Director Reza Mirkarimi Presents Khadije Saghafi (Banoo Ghods Iran)
FIFF Director Reza Mirkarimi Presents Khadije Saghafi (Banoo Ghods Iran)
Italian Editor Roberto Perpignani’s Workshop at 2018 FIFF
Italian Editor Roberto Perpignani’s Workshop at 2018 FIFF
Acting Workshop by A-Lister Reza Kianian in Talent Campus
Acting Workshop by A-Lister Reza Kianian in Talent Campus
Jorn Donner Presser for FIFF at Charsou Cineplex
Jorn Donner Presser for FIFF at Charsou Cineplex
Cinematography Workshop with Thomas Mauch in FIFF Talent Campus
Cinematography Workshop with Thomas Mauch in FIFF Talent Campus
First Day of 2018 FIFF in Charsou Cineplex
First Day of 2018 FIFF in Charsou Cineplex
Isabelle Girodano Film Making Workshop at FIFF
Isabelle Girodano Film Making Workshop at FIFF
Film Production and Directing Workshop by Jorn Donner in Talent Campus
Film Production and Directing Workshop by Jorn Donner in Talent Campus
How the First Day of FIFF 2018 Looked in Charsou Cineplex
How the First Day of FIFF 2018 Looked in Charsou Cineplex

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