Friday 18 October 2024
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Fajr Is a Standard Specialized Festival / Iranian Cinema Is the “Salvation Cinema”

Fajr Is a Standard Specialized Festival / Iranian Cinema Is the “Salvation Cinema”

Head of Iran Cinematic Organization believes holding the international section of the festival independently is worthwhile, and calls Fajr a standard specialized festival.

In an interview with the public relations office of the 34th FIFF, head of Iran Cinematic Organization, Hojatollah Ayoubi, talked about the separation of the international section of the festival from the national section and said, “Back then, when we were holding the national and international sections simultaneously, the international section wasn’t actually tended to. Having decided to hold the international section separately, we want to show that we have really been trying to organize an international event.”

He continued, “Last year, we held the international section of Fajr independently for the very first time. Needless to say that, the very first experience is always accompanied with many shortcomings; however, we’re taking a much stronger second step this year. Reza Mirkarimi is a prominent, innovative, international filmmaker with many brilliant ideas. He is familiar with cinema throughout the world. Mirkarimi has rounded up a team of skilled professionals who have been working with a lot of passion and devotion.”

Ayoubi added, “A number of novel, fascinating ideas are being implemented in this edition of the festival. The Darolfonoun Section, the Fan Club, the workshops held at universities, etc. are all in line with universal standards. Moreover, the festival has been well received by the international guests and it proves the festival has been moving toward the right direction. Most importantly, Iranian Cinema is the best representative of Salvation Cinema, and this name has appropriately been given to the competition section this year.”

Ayoubi also stated, “I’m glad that everybody has been working hand in hand in order to change this festival to not merely an event for screening films. In fact, this festival is the right place for educating young cinephiles. This festival is not  an event for the public. It actually is a standard specialized event for those who are somehow involved in cinematic activities.”

The 34th edition of Fajr International Film Festival will be held from April 20th to April 25th, 2016 in Charsou Cineplex, under the supervision of the well-known Iranian filmmaker, Mr. Reza Mirkarimi, who is also the Managing Director of Khaneh Cinema.

For more information on Fajr International Film Festival, visit the festival website,

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