Sunday 23 February 2025
8:22 AM |

Darolfonoun; the Talent Campus of 34th FIFF

The director of 34th Fajr international film festival introduced “Darolfonoun” as the talent campus.

Reza Mirkarimi, the director of this edition of the festival, pointed to the new section which has been added for the first time to the international section of Fajr and added, “Darolfonoun Section is supposed to be as the Talent Campus for seeking cinematic talents also Q&A sessions between international guests and young participants of the festival who have made a film or have cinematic educations.”

“With supporting of National School of Cinema and IYCS (Iranian Youth Cinema Society), 100 students were chosen and will be hosted during the festival. In fact, the cost that it was allocated to some services for international guests in previous editions of the festival is now allocated to the talented cinema students. This section is under supervision of Maziar Miri, the director. Moreover, we will try to invite students from some neighbor countries that Iranian Cinema is such a pattern for them to introduce their talented students to the festival for presence in next years. However, we will have several screenings in Tehran University for students too.” The director continued.

According to the Public Relation Office of 34th FIFF, Mirkarimi emphasized that holding an international film festival require an organization which usually the greatest part of it is handled by volunteers and filmgoers and stated, “We are programming to publish a call for cinemagoers especially cinema students who know at least one international language to help us voluntarily. This condition causes to have a more public festival rather than having a clerk-style one. In this edition, we will also have workshops, and Review on French Cinema Section.”
34th Fajr international film festival will be held from April 20th to 25th under supervision of Reza Mirkarimi in Charsoo Cineplex.

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