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Call for Film Registration at Fajr Intl. Film Festival Video Library

Call for Film Registration at Fajr Intl. Film Festival Video Library

A call for registration at the Video Library of 2018 Fajr International Film Festival has been issued and will remain open until the submission deadline, March 1.

According to the Festival’s News Agency, the application process may be initiated online at in the Video Library section. Under the binding regulations for all matters and procedures, you can complete the application form before the given deadline. The Secretariat cannot receive applications in person.

Seeing the popularity of VOD network across the region, the organizers of the annual event have come up with a digital Video Library of their own, through which all short, documentary, animation, and feature-length titles screened at the Festival can be streamed and viewed online during the 9-day gathering. This includes online support for those who made the movies.

This is a welcome addition from the start, as witnessed by its subsequent steady growth. This year, accredited guests can view titles at one of many excellently equipped stations in the Video Library. Nowhere else do buyers, distributors, festival representatives and other trade visitors have such a wide range of current titles to choose from. In this enormous film reservoir and with searches possible by genre, director, length or format, navigating the film pool is now much easier. The catalogue will be available to accredited visitors online when the festival begins on a password-protected page.

This service is free of charge and is open for accredited visitors holding an FIFF badge, including jury members, distributors, filmmakers, and international festival guests. They can meet directors in person for further talks through translators and in special venues.

Accredited guests can access the FIFF Video Library only during the days of the Festival. For security reasons, selected titles are available to view only inside the Video Library. Viewing accounts are for personal use only. A detailed list of professionals who watched a film will be sent to the film’s rights holders.

The Video Library might contain the following titles:

-Iranian films in International Competition of the 36th FIFF.

-Iranian films registered by Iranian producers or international distributing companies in Film Market.

-Iranian Films screened in National and International Competitions of FIFF, Cinema Verite, Tehran International Short Film Festival, and Iranian Cinema Celebration during 2013-2018.

-All box office hits screened at Iran’s Art and Experience Cinema.

Running time requirements for Digital Library registration:

-Feature-length movies under 70 minutes

-Short documentaries under 30 minutes

-Medium-long documentaries between 30-60 minutes

-Long documentaries over 60 minutes

-Drama, animation and experimental shorts under 30 minutes

All submitted movies should have English subtitles.

For further information and registration, please visit our website at Library, or send us an email at We ask you to carefully read the Festival’s general guidelines for submission and participation. You can also send your movie via post to the Secretariat at: No. 2454, Ehtesham Alley Corner, Before Tavanir, Vali Asr Street, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 14348-43631.

Presided over by Iranian film writer and director Seyyed Reza Mirkarimi, the 36th edition of Fajr International Film Festival will be held in Tehran on April 19-27.

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